Strength training is very important in any workout regime, especially preparing for a run. It will protect your body from “overuse” injuries and reduce soreness after running. It’s crucial to include all the major muscle groups in your legs, pelvis and core, to prime your body for a great run.
Strength training should be done 2-3x per week and should include some variation of the following exercises:


Which muscles it targets: Hamstrings, glut max and core

How to do it
: Bend both knees up and place feet flat on bed. Pull your belly button in towards your spine to activate your core. Maintain your core activation while pushing through your feet and lifting your buttocks off the bed. Try to form a straight line between your thighs and your torso.

Parameters: Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, 1-3 sets.

Progression: While in your bridge, try straightening one leg. Keep your thighs aligned and ensure your hips stay level.

Bridge exercise


Bridge progression

Bridge progression

Standing hip abduction against wall

Which muscles it targets: Abductors
How to do it: Stand beside a wall, about 2 inches away. Bend knee and place on wall. Push your bent knee outwards against the wall, while keeping body straight and hips level. Keep your thighs in line and make sure your knee is the only part touching the wall.

Parameters: Hold 5 seconds, repeat 6-8 times. Repeat on opposite side.

: Complete the same exercise, while performing a squat. Focus on sticking your bum out, so that your knees do not go ahead of your toes.

Standing hip abduction against wall

Standing hip abduction against wall

Hamstring curl with theraband

Which muscles it targets: Hamstrings

How to do it:
Create a loop with your theraband by tying it around a stable object. Sit on a chair and place your ankle inside the loop. Hover your foot off the floor and bend your knee back against the resistance of the theraband. Slowly return to your start position.

Parameters: Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, 1-3 sets.

: Increase the resistance of the theraband. Note: the darker the band, the greater the resistance.

Hamstring curl with theraband

Hamstring curl with theraband

Squat with hold

Which muscles it targets: Quads and glut max

How to do it:Stand with a chair behind you. Slowly bend your knees while sticking your bum out until you are hovering just above the chair. Ensure your knees stay in line with your feet and do not allow your knees to go beyond your toes. Slowly return to standing.

: Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times, 1-3 sets.

: Increase hold time to 15-20 seconds.

Squat with hold

Squat with hold

Calf raises on step

Which muscles it targets: Gastrocs

How to do it:
Stand on the edge of a step. While keeping your knees straight, go up on your toes and then slowly lower your heels below the level of the step.

: Repeat 10-15 times, 1-3 sets.

: Repeat same exercise while standing on one leg.

Calf raises on step

Calf raises on step


Which muscles it targets: shoulders, triceps and core

How to do it:
Keep arms straight with wrists, elbows and shoulders in line with one another. Pull your belly button in towards your spine to activate your core. Ensure your back and legs form a straight line.

: Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 10 times

: Keep back and hips level. Lift one leg 1 inch off the ground and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times on each leg.



Walking Lunge

Which muscles it targets: Glut max, quads

How to do it:
Take an exaggerated step forward with one leg. Keep your torso upright while lowering yourself until both knees are in 90 degrees of bend. Ensure you front knee does not go beyond your toes. Push back up into standing and repeat on opposite side.

: Repeat 20 times, 1-3 sets.

: Hold 5-10lb weights

Walking Lunge

Walking Lunge

Happy Running!

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About Sandra and Alicia.

Sandra Harrop (left) has been a Registered Physiotherapist for over two years. She works primarily with Total Knee Replacements and Total Hip Replacements at Sunnybrook Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre. Sandra is an avid runner, cyclist and volleyball player and in 2013, she completed 3 half marathons, 3 triathlons and a 10K. Alicia Savona has been a Registered Physiotherapist for 9 years. She currently works at Sunnybrook Hospital in the Working Condition Program. She has enjoyed running for the last 18 years, and completed many fun runs and road races.

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