In my last post, I talked about how I was about to ramp up my training with Seanna‘s help.

In the days after that post, Seanna and I spoke and she developed a detailed training plan for me.  Between now and race day, every single day is accounted for, whether for speed, endurance, strength or rest.

The goal is to get me to 15K with a race time of 1:52.

I know I can do this.  There is not a molecule of doubt in my mind that I can do this.  In fact, I know that I will do it faster.  I will beat that time.

So why haven’t I been following her brilliant plan?  And why haven’t I been telling you about it?

Instead, I have been running diligently, but according to my own personal plan with which I’m comfortable.

During a long run last weekend, I was pondering my passive/aggressive behaviour when I figured out its cause.

You see, because I am not young and I have some junk in my trunk and I am a former 30-year smoker, expectations of my potential running achievements are low.  Or at least they were.

It used to be that I’d come home and say, “I just ran 5.”  This would be met with a chorus of, “OMG, Mom!  You’re so amazing! Way to go! You killed it!”

Now I come home and say, “I just ran 10.”  Instead of the roaring, deafening praise, I now get, “Nice one, Mom.  How fast?”

Please don’t misunderstand, I am not complaining.  I am just observing that the expectations of my potential running achievements are increasing.

I expect more and my familial fans expect more.

And I have a trainer, too.  She’s a real, professional trainer.  Who is telling me to do something different than I am accustomed to.  Who wants reports on my achievements.  On top of that, I have to tell you about it…all public like.

This is all seems more serious now and it’s intimidating.

So, that’s my confession.  That’s why I haven’t started my official training plan.

Yesterday, I finally shared my feelings with Seanna and she understood me exactly.  At the same time, she didn’t let me off the hook.  She talked to me about how her plan simply builds on what I’ve already been doing.  She also reminded me that if I’m going to reach my goal, I need to do things differently.

I committed to starting her training plan on Saturday.  After running for three weeks trying to work up the courage to commit to the plan, I am ready.

Well, I’m ready mentally.  Turns out there’s a glitch.

After I spoke with Seanna in the morning, I had a physiotherapy appointment in the afternoon.  My right hamstring has been increasingly bothering me over the past three weeks.  By the end of the day I was limping as I walked into the physio’s office.

Turns out I have torn muscle fibres and I am not allowed to run for two weeks.  Very upsetting given that I went from being totally stoked about starting a new training plan to being put on ice.  Literally.

Until I’m back to running, I’ll give you all the gory details on what my physio does to me and makes me do to myself.


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About Pamela Ross

Pam is a new runner, running her first 5k race at last year’s RBC Race for the Kids. Follow her blog as she trains for the 15k race this year.

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